Terry Master, Ph.D.
Terry Master is a Professor of Biology at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania where he teaches courses in ornithology, behavioral ecology and predator-prey relationships. He maintains an active research program in conjunction with both graduate and undergraduate students focusing on the ecology, behavior and conservation of wading birds and riparian songbirds. Terry has also been teaching classes on tropical ornithology and ecology in Costa Rica annually since 1996 and has published articles on a variety of Costa Rican bird species with colleagues and his graduate students. His classes and those he team-teaches emphasize extensive experience in the field to compliment lecture material on the evolution, ecology, behavior and conservation of tropical birds, the latter involving comparison with temperate bird communities and neotropical migrants. Thus, Terry maintains an avid interest in the conservation of tropical forests and their inhabitants and has enthusiastically welcomed the amazing opportunity to participate in the establishment, programming and governance of the Camaquiri Conservation Initiative. He lives with his wife Sally, their dog Tica, and cat Jimmy near Nazareth, Pennsylvania.